Created on the Feast Days of
Saint Leo the Great, 11-10-2011
Saint Martin De Tours, 11-11-2011
and Saint Josaphat

to all Veterans, especially for WWI Veteran Joseph Patrick Osterman
By Laura Ann Osterman
Gratitude, Praise and Thanksgiving
for Our Veterans
Whenever you enter into the tranquil
and peaceful glorious house of God
have gratitude for the sacrifices of battles that His soldiers’ feet hath trod.

They often
leave their loved ones to serve on hostile and dangerous foreign soil,
whilst they’ve endured death, wounds, severe hardships,
agony and toil.
Let the innocents who nestle under their covers for a calm
and peaceful night,
have gratitude for the battles that His soldiers have fought and continue to fight.
keep innocents safe from hostiles wanting to spread suffering, pain and blight.
have kept innocents free from harm for centuries with their force and their might.
Defeating darkness of this world with His light, they continue
to rescue and save.
They risk their lives, with sacrifice given now, that our ancestors hath already gave.

At any hour they protect others from evil and the damage of hate's strife.
At any time they may have just eliminated danger and saved your life!
They deliver
us from those evil minds, who do not value peace, freedom and love.
Soldiers who serve are His light and protection, His blessing, agape from above.

Holy Spirit wants us to live His laws and the virtue of “thou shalt not kill.”
save God's children from hate, man’s destructive and diabolical free will.
suit up, march on, take a post, and stand guard, whilst they protect and serve their brothers.
save them from the violence that frequently dwells within the dark hearts of others
shall be indebted to our war heroes, courageous, guardians bold and brave.
Some sacrificed themselves to
the extreme and now rest peacefully in their own grave.

suicide to kill His flock is considered the deepest depth of shame
It is wrong to kill
His children, and harm His innocent disciples in His name,
That should never be praised by mankind or given any sort
of glory or fame.
If hostiles intend harm to
innocent ones, rest assured of His final accord.
He will summon His brave, courageous, soldiers, and they
will swiftly draw their sword.
Praise for those who heed the call of Abba, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ our Lord.

War occurs to preserve His Kingdom and protect His children, His beloved masterpiece.
Be grateful to His soldiers, those who have made sacrifices, and value your times of peace,
If His children are killed on hostile battlefields filled with
destruction and hate,
He will welcome them ALL with peace, joy, and love at His Heavenly and Holy Gates.

When they slaughter and destroy
His innocent children on the battlefields of strife.
He has the final judgment, to forgive them and give them ALL everlasting life.
John 15:13
Thanks be to God for our Veterans
Especially Joseph Partrick Osterman :)
Bless all Veterans Forever!
be with you,
Laura Ann Osterman
Founder and President
Heaven's Miraculous Angelic Giving Inspirational Child, Inc.
If you so desire, feel free to switch the word “soldier/s” for “Marine/s.”